Summer Is Over

Labor Day, 2015, 2015, Archival Digital Print

Labor Day, 2015, 2015, Archival Digital Print

Officially anyway. Gone, done, no more. Good-bye Summer and all that. No more white shoes properly worn.  Now to a different seasonal cycle as it’s Back to School, onto Halloween with Thanksgiving and Christmas upon us before we have blinked. And the New Year.

Yet it implies nothing of what the future will be for each of us.  We cannot know the experiences around the corner, the new shocking disasters we weren’t creative enough to have dreamed up or the acts of touching kindness and humanity that will unfold as we go around the Sun one more time.  The stage is set but we never know what will transpire once the curtain rises and the first characters come on stage.

The question is the same: are we in the audience or on the stage?

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