Snow Again

Snow Again, 2.3.14

Snow Again, 2.3.14

More snow and today it falls on the edge of being rain. Awful to traffic but so pleasant if you are inside, a cup of coffee and the pleasure of watching it come down. Nature is keeping us alert this season. Write you novel, give a surprise gift to your friend, make snowflakes, smile at your co-workers for a change, and be glad you are part of the grand plan.  The helicopters have returned to their nests and normalcy has returned to Midtown.  Happy Monday!

iPhone in the Storm, 2.3.14

iPhone in the Storm, 2.3.14

Eclipse and Return to Standard Time

Catherine Redmond, Eclipse and Return, 11.3.13

Catherine Redmond, Eclipse and Return, 11.3.13

I was up at six a.m. to catch the light as the moon shadowed over the sun.  That the eclipse coincided with a favorite day of mine, The Return to Standard Time, I expected a unique light. Maybe even zombies with this conjunction.  Living on the west side of Manhattan, where the sun goes to bed, positioned me poorly for a rising occluded sun.   This is looking East from 8th Avenue and 35th Street. No one was on the street save a few morning workers.  No zombies.   It is buildings, machinery, the working side of commerce and the underbelly of the tourist industry.