A Good Week

Abundance, June, 2019, Archival Digital Print

Zac, Zip, Jerry, and Ruthie enjoy a pan of water, bathing and drinking. There is lavish green everywhere, all shades and variants from pale yellowish to deep blue.  June is the best month.  Everything on the homestead feels harmonious and lavish, generous and abundant.

I marvel at my good fortune to have found my magical spot.  Earlier in the week I picked up a tiny fawn who was lying out under a tree alone.  I put her back down aware that her mother would soon return for her and that I was violating Nature’s plan.  But the experience was memorable and a gift to me.  I took care of four motherless Robin hatchlings and they grew and fledged earlier in the week so all in all, it was a week of gifts and pleasures.

My linocut Nancy portfolio is completed as well.  It was a year of work, hundreds of hours.  Ten prints which I may extend to twelve these interest me so much.  Then to edition them.




Evening Green

Evening Green

Sure we know it’s chlorophyll, but it certainly makes the world seem beautiful on an evening like this.  Green is a powerful color in English literature, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Green Man, Robin Hood and other myths mentioned by Frazer in The Golden Bough.

We feel our own sap run at the sight of this hue, one of the hardest of all to paint.  Pissarro stands out as able to bring the smell of green to a gallery room, Corot, in his small paper paintings, Lennart Anderson’s Vermont paintings, and the under-appreciated Marjorie Portnow, but it is a rare artist who can reach to the note, the perfect moisture of color and sustain it throughout.